Frequently asked Questions

How much luggage could be transported – hand luggage and luggage carrier?

With every ticket the passenger could transport two suitcases with max. proportions 100/60/30 each, as well as a small hand luggage. Each extra luggage is chargeable. Additional luggage can only be taken if there is enough capacity in luggage carrier.

How much time does the journey takes/ duration of the breaks during the trip?

The journey lasts about 18 hours. The breaks are about every 3 hours.

Does the company offers its customers in the bus beverages, video, Wi-Fi?

In the bus are offered beverages, coffee, tea and bear. It has working WC and video. It has Wi-fi for the territory of Bulgaria and Serbia.

Terms for crossing borders, required documents during the travel?

For the entire European Union is required only ID card, incl. Serbia.

Children under 18 years old, who travels alone or with one of their parents has to present at the Bulgarian border a declaration /original and one copy/, signed by both of the parents/ one of them. The Declaration must be notorized and must declare that both of the parents/ one of them allow the child to travel alone or with one of the parents.The carrier is not liable for passport, visa and custom problems of the passengers.


The ticket itself is insurance during the travel. Every passenger could conclude Medical insurance for his staying abroad.

How much time the passenger must be at the bus station before departure?

Every passenger must be at the bus station at least 45 min. before departure, otherwise he/she could be considered absent and the seat could be given to somebody else.